
Order & Delivery

When will I receive my order?

We, our partners, and our delivery drivers are doing everything we can to meet the promised delivery time. In some cases, it may happen that the product is delayed. You can track the current status using the Track&Trace code you received from us. 

How quickly will I receive my order?

If the product is in stock, it will be delivered the next day. (Ordered today, delivered tomorrow) Please note that this applies only to the Netherlands. For Belgium, in most cases, it will take 2 working days. In some cases, it may happen that we do not have our products in stock, which may result in the products being shipped from one of our other locations in Germany. As a result, the delivery time may be slightly longer than you are used to from us. The average delivery time is then approximately 3 working days.

The expected delivery time has passed, where is my order?

In 99% of cases, orders are delivered within the expected delivery time. Unfortunately, there may be occasions where an order experiences delays in the delivery process. You can check the status of your order using the Track&Trace code provided by us. If you have not received anything 3 days after the expected delivery time, please contact us.

Has my order been successful, because I haven't received any confirmation?

Is your order in your account? Then it was successful. If you ordered more than 45 minutes ago and have not received a confirmation and there is also nothing in your account, please contact customer service. And don't worry: if money has been deducted, we will automatically refund you.

Can I still modify the order I have already placed?

No, to protect your data, an order cannot be modified anymore. If your order has not been shipped yet, you may still be able to cancel it in some cases. Please contact us directly for this.

What can I do if I have accidentally ordered an item multiple times?

If your order has not yet been shipped, you may still be able to cancel it in some cases. Please contact us directly for this. If your order has been shipped, you can return it or possibly refuse it at the door.

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